# star map
## motivation, skills
needed skills vs cultivating motivation
### @ingvald
BouvetOne Nord 201903
## thinking tool
simple, conceptual, visual
"all models are wrong, but some are useful"
"whatever's useful"
all models are wrong quote:
Box, G. E. P. (1979), "Robustness in the strategy of scientific model building", in Launer, R. L.;
Wilkinson, G. N., Robustness in Statistics, Academic Press, pp. 201–236.
ref competency strategy, operational capability, motivation, turnover, ...
Henrik Kniberg:
I like this exercise because:
* **quick & easy**
* triggers **valuable discussions**
* helps **visualize** strengths and weaknesses
* encourages teamwork (“how to help each other succeed”)
* counteracts pidgeon-holing ("that's not my job")
* helps people get to know each other better
* takes into account the fact that people can (and often like to) broaden their skills
## Tacit knowing
-We know more than we can tell (Polanyi, 1966)
## Learning organization?
-Learning on the job
## => Working together
-Working and learning together,
pair work, over written knowledge transfer
# Kniberg
[Is your team cross-functional enough?](https://blog.crisp.se/2009/02/27/henrikkniberg/1235769840000)
### Experience
* A,B,C,D = f.ex skills
* \* = ok + have skills/ experience
* o = ok + limited experience/ skills
* ! = interested!
"ok" = ok to work with
## "Lisa"
* mastering + learning
* robust for changes in skill needs
![starmap ok for person](starmap-lisa.png)
## Skill "C"
* learning on the job
* increasing robustness
![starmap robust skills availability](starmap-c.png)
## Skill "D"
* vulnerable
* even more risk if no interest
![starmap vulnerable skill needs](starmap-d.png)
## "David"
* "motivation risk" - less learning on the job?
* "risk" - vulnerable for changed skills needs?
![starmap risk for person](starmap-david.png)
## perhaps
* planning a bit forward
* A,B,C,D - technologies, context, aspects?
* include "not desired"?
![starmap perhaps trying](starmap-perhaps.png)
# star map
## References
* this: https://ingvald.github.io/2019/star-map/
* Henrik Kniberg: [Is your team cross-functional enough?](https://blog.crisp.se/2009/02/27/henrikkniberg/1235769840000)
* ([my note/ summary](http://skaug.com/notes/2011/cross-functional-enough-from-old-article-by-henrikkniberg/))
* Amabile, 1998, https://hbr.org/1998/09/how-to-kill-creativity
* Bouvet [NO] - https://www.bouvet.no/bouvet-deler/i-dag-er-vi-15-ar