# creativity ## sw dev - factory or craft? software development - room for creativity? ### @ingvald BouvetOne Nord 201903 note: where would you _not_ like to have creativity? accounting? https://hbr.org/1998/09/how-to-kill-creativity img: https://unsplash.com/photos/1LpeJ-6wtMQ
note: minister said not creative didn't paint, play, etc but: groundbreaking coalition -- business creativity? software craft? note: original, useful, actionable NO: yrkeskunst? Irgens - Steinsholt, Sommerro (red), 2006
note: metaphor: software as a factory organization as machine (Morgan, 2004) humans as cogs problems (Morgan, 2004, p.39) img: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ford_assembly_line_-_1913.jpg -- ![illusion of control](control-bjarte.png) note: https://twitter.com/bbogsnes/status/1087637474669662208
note: change - more and more, faster and faster (world, business, technology, life) img: https://unsplash.com/photos/Q1p7bh3SHj8 -- # TACIT KNOWING We know more than we can tell (Polanyi, 1966) * subconscious always ahead? * cont. internalize, automate, "forget"? * some knowledge hard/ impossible to describe? * embedded, intuitive, ..*tacit* -- # IT PROJECT FAILS McKinsey + Oxford, 2012, 5000+ projects over $15M * 1/2 massively blow budgets * 17% risk existence of company Mohagheghi & Jørgensen, 2017, 35 Norwegian, big, public projects increase success: * accept variation, uncertainty * flexibility of scope * frequency of delivery into production note: McKinsey: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/digital-mckinsey/our-insights/delivering-large-scale-it-projects-on-time-on-budget-and-on-value 17 percent of these IT projects went so badly that they threatened the very existence of the company
![complexity](cynefin.png) note: open/ hard problems can't analyse, can't predict, can't control no best practices can be known https://medium.com/benefit-mindset/complexity-inside-and-out-c92580800f87 -- ![NATO conf on sw eng, iterate!](nato-iterative.png) note: even ("involuntary") source of waterfall ideas weren't thinking waterfall https://twitter.com/ingvald/status/1070379529678409728 -- Teresa Amabile, How to Kill Creativity, 1998 ![creativity](creativity-amabile.png)
## planning vs improvisation ![intuition, Einstein(?)](improv-einstein.png) note: preparation improves improvisation... music, business, ++ (really Einstein? don't know...) -- ### individual vs collective creativity # cognitive diversity improves performance, problem solving, predictive tasks (The Difference, Scott Page, 2007) open/ hard problems: diverse "average/ normal smart" groups beats expert groups with more similar thinking, every time (paraphrased from Scott Page, XP 2010, Trondheim)
### References * this: https://ingvald.github.io/2019/factory-craft * Amabile, https://hbr.org/1998/09/how-to-kill-creativity * Bouvet [NO] - https://www.bouvet.no/bouvet-deler/i-dag-er-vi-15-ar * [Oxford, McKinsey - delivering large-scale IT projects...](https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/digital-mckinsey/our-insights/delivering-large-scale-it-projects-on-time-on-budget-and-on-value) * [NO] Kreativitet og innovasjon, Torild Oddane, 2017 * [NO] Improvisasjon, Irgens - Steinsholt, Sommerro (red), 2006 * The Difference, Scott E Page, 2007 * [What Contributes to the Success of IT Projects? An Empirical Study of IT Projects in the Norwegian Public Sector](http://www.jsoftware.us/vol12/287-SE019.pdf), Mohagheghi & Jørgensen, 2017